Friday, September 19, 2008

Pictorial of Tea Ware

Tea Ware Pictorial by The Old Man Shen'an

Pictorial of Tea Ware compiled ca 1269 is the earliest picture book on tea ware used in preparation of Song dynasty tea cake for drinking.

This book described 12 tea wares:
* tea stove 韋鴻臚 'Weihonglu'
* tea hammer 木待制 'Modaizhi'
* tea press, 金法曹 'Jinfacao'
* tea grinder,石轉運 "Shizhuanyun'
* tea spoon, 胡員外 'Hu'yuanwai'
* tea sieve, 羅樞密 'Luoshumi'
* tea brush, 宗從事 'Zhongcongshi'
* tea tray, 漆雕秘閣 'Cidiaomige'
* tea cup, 陶寶文 'Taobaowen'
* tea kettle, 湯提點 'Tangtidian'
* tea swiper, 竺副師 'Zhufushi'
* tea napkin, 司職方 'Shizhifang'

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